
Front Rocker,  Mac

Barn Ramp

Front D, Mac
Headless Pivot Fakie, Baits
5-0 Grinder, Baits


 mac ipad, 5-0
 Back Smith, Kevin Donelly


 Ollie, Kevin
Switch Front Heel

London, ON.

Tre Flip, Devin Morrison
Frontboard, Brandon Sheppard
Front Feeble
B/s Smith


Mikey Wenham
Front Feebs, Chris Vacca

Minolta XG2.

Some film shots using my Dads old minolta xg2 35mm camera
Ethan Kilgour Pier, Nrth Carolina
F/s 5-0 Justin Colburne
Front Lipslide Ethan
Frontside Pivot

Airport Wallie
Sunset front noseslide. Ethan
Backtails. WendyP photo 
Back Disaster

The Outer Banks of N.C

The Buxton Bowl
 Ethan, F/s Flip
 F/s Smith
F/s Feeble, Wendy P Photo
 We found this abandoned G0-cart track with a few random spots. 
Ethan backtail slides into the bank.
 Kickflip, Wendy P photo
 Steve & Jason's back yard bowl, Ethan Backside Ollie from little to big.
 Lien Air
 Outer Banks sunset.

Ethan, Switch Flip

Ashbridge, Toronto

Cruised up to Toronto for the day a sessioned the Ashbridges Plaza with...
 Justin, 5-0
 Ethan, backtail
Kevin, 5-0 to fakie

Guranga Mini Session

Ethan jumped behind the lens. 
Brandon and the wall of boards.
Ethan Kilgour, F/s Air
 Brandon, Indy that Shit!
Ethan, Frontside Flip